I’m thrilled to share the book of my heart, where I weave together my experience teaching writing, ethnic studies, and Latinx youth literature. Chapters have lesson sequences with a multimedia introduction, poetry immersion, middle-grade literature, and young adult literature.
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Multimodal Text Sets for Creative Writing Inspiration
Chapters two through six in Narrative Writing with Latinx Teens: Testimonios, Texts, and Teaching feature multimodal texts across the lessons. Lesson one grounds us in the topic at hand with multimedia, lesson two with poetry, lesson three with middle-grade literature, and lesson four with young adult literature. All sources are linked below. Please contact me here if any of the links are down.
Chapter Two: Soy de aquí y de allá: Migration, Immigration, and Moves That Upend Lives
Lesson 1:
Investigative journalist Bianca Graulau’s documentary Aquí Vive Gente on Bad Bunny’s “El Apagón” music video [begins at 4:35 minutes].
Sí, Se Puede: The Latino Heroes Who Changed the United States graphic novel by Julio Anta, illustrated by Yasmín Flores Montañez
Lesson 2:
Ariana Brown’s “23” spoken word poetry performance
“Afro-Mexican Poetics” conversation and poetry readings with Alan Pelaez Lopez and Ariana Brown
Darrel Alejandro Holnes’ “Amending Wall” poem on the Poetry Unbound podcast
Lesson 3:
“Crane Poem Gallery” and “Sanctuary Breakfast” by Aida Salazar in Land of the Cranes
Imagine by Juan Felipe Herrera (poem, picture book, or video)
Hear My Voice/ Escucha mi voz: The Testimonies of Children Detained at the Southern Border of the United States (booktrailer)
Lesson 4:
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante
Latinx KidLit Book Festival “Fantastical y Más Fuerte: Contemporary Takes on Immigration” video
Chapter Three: Estamos bien: Talking Mental Health and Breaking Stigmas
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
The Carrying and The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón
“To Be Made Whole” On Being podcast episode (features poems from The Carrying and The Hurting Kind)
The Pain We Carry: Healing from Complex PTSD for People of Color by Natalie Y. Gutiérrez
Lesson 3:
Iveliz Explains It All by Andrea Beatriz Arango
The Horn Book Magazine “Publishers’ Preview: Debut Authors: Five Questions for Andrea Beatriz Arango”
Latinx KidLit Book Festival “How Do Writers Use Poetry to Tell a Story with Andrea Beatriz Arango” video
Follet Learning “First Chapter Friday: Iveliz Explains It All by Andrea Beatriz Arango” video
Lesson 4:
The Making of Yolanda La Bruja by Lorraine Avila
“Lorraine Avila Talks Being an Author and Using Her Voice to Stand Up for Issues in Her Community” Growing Up Latina podcast episode video
“Lorraine Avila’s Debut Novel Explores Brujería, Afro-Latina Girlhood, and Community” by Sofia Aguilar for Hip Latina website
Chaper Four: Learning a New Language, Learning a New Me
Lesson 1:
“Translanguaging in 15 Minutes” by Dr. Mike Mena on The Social Life of Language YouTube channel
Lesson 2:
“Translation” by Yesika Salgado (spoken word performance)
“Translation for Mamá” and “My Father in English” poems by Richard Blanco in Homeland of My Body: New and Selected Poems
Lesson 3:
The Year I Flew Away by Marie Arnold
We Need Diverse Books blog “Marie Arnold Writes So Immigrant Readers Feel Seen” by Karis Rogerson
Lesson 4:
“Karla Sánchez and Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil” from Daughters of Latin America: An International Anthology of Writing by Latine Women edited by Sandra Guzmán