Translanguaging Collection: Affirming Bilingual and Multilingual Readers
A Handbook by Carla España and Luz Yadira Herrera
En Comunidad: Lessons for Centering the Voices and Experiences of Bilingual Latinx Students
Teacher guides to latinx children’s literature
Beauty Woke
Educator Guide & Spanish Translation
Alejandria Fights Back! ¡La lucha de Alejandria!
Educator’s Guide to Aida Salazar’s
Teacher’s Guide to Aida Salazar’s
Land of the Cranes
Teacher’s Guide to Aida Salazar’s
The Moon Within
Book chapters
Refereed Journal Articles
España, C., Hernández-Linares, L., Herrera, L. Y., Leyba, M., & Liu-Trujillo, R. (2022). Together in the Struggle. Ethnic Studies Review, 45(1), 33–44.
Herrera, L.Y., & España, C. (2022). Se hace camino al andar: Translanguaging pedagogy for justice. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) English Journal (111:5).
Herrera, L.Y., & España, C. (2021). Writing in community: Applying a topic, texts, and translanguaging approach to teaching bilingual learners. International Literacy Association (ILA). Literacy Today, 39(2), 54–56.
España, C. (2020). Middle grade lives and middle grade stories: What text selections and pedagogy reveal about teaching philosophies. National Council of Teachers of English Voices from the Middle (28:2).
España, C. (2020). Shattering, healing and dreaming: Lessons from middle-grade literacies and lives. Bank Street College Occasional Paper Series (44).
España, C., Herrera, L. Y., & García, O. (2019). “Translanguaging in Educating Teachers to Work with Language-Minoritized Students.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Collins, B., España, C., Sanchez, M. (2019). “Sustaining and Developing Teachers’ Bilingualism in a Bilingual Teacher Preparation Program.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Herrera, L. Y., España, C., & García, O. (2019). “Bilingual Education.” Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies.
Polleck, J. & España, C. (Fall 2017) “Revolutions and Resistance: Creating Space for Adolescent Agency and Advocacy through a Critical Reading of Sonia Manzano's The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano.” The ALAN Review (The Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English).
España, C. (2017) “Escribiendo para desahogarme: Release and Resistance in a Middle School Bilingual Writing Workshop.” CUNY Academic Works.